Tuesday, July 05, 2005

We're here!

Hello sideways chimneys - how's it going?

Here's a little update... we're now in Japan, we've started teaching in Seki and we've moved into our apartment. Things are going well so far.

Gem and I had our first Japanese lesson last Friday, so hopefully we can pick some up to help us get by a little better. So far we've been depending on our Lonely Plant Phrasebook!

I hope to start a martial art soon, maybe karate - the style is Go Ju Ryu, which I think is quite a tough style so maybe I should work on my fitness before I begin. Hopefully I won't die! If I do, if you want any of my stuff, pop round my Mum's and first come first served.

Ta - arigato gozaimasu :)

P.S. Pics to follow.


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