Friday, September 16, 2005

Ryoanji Zen Garden - Kyoto

"What is the sound of one hand clapping?"

Kyoto Parasols

Of course no onna in Japan, on a hot summer's day, would be without her parasol!

Edo Period Streets in Kyoto

When walking around some of the streets in Kyoto, you are transported back in time to when the samurai roamed, living by the code of bushido or 'Way of the Warrior' which granted them many freedoms but also required a lot of discipline. However, for a normal peasant life was potentially very dangerous, for if you brushed a samurai's sword or katana, even by accident, he could kill you without reprimand. A samurai's sword was said to also be his soul, and many spent much time polishing both.

Around Kiyomizu

The area surrounding Kiyomizu Dera is beautiful. There is a dense forest, colourful plants and also pristine water which you can drink directly from the fountain.

Kyoto - Kiyomizu Dera

This is one of the most famous temples in Kyoto - it's the one on stilts.

Kyoto - The Old Japan I was Looking For...

Having been in Japan for about 3-4 months now, I've visited some very beautiful places but still had an itch to scratch with regards to finding somewhere that I felt represented the 'old' Japan that I was imagining. Things such as Zen gardens, temples, tea houses which help facilitate the attainment of satori or enlightenment! Well, if not enlightenment, then at least a nice place to enjoy the aesthetics and ambience. If you are careful to look, you can find a taste of this in Kyoto.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Matsumoto From the Back.

Same castle, but on the other side and it includes some of the surrounding gardens.

Matsumoto Castle From Bridge

Pretty much a similar photo as the first one, but from the perspective of the bridge.

Matsumoto Castle

After having visited Nagano, we went to Matsumoto which has a very distinctive castle. Most Japanese castles tend to be white but Matsumoto is black and represents an excellent opportunity for a nice pic.

Bessho Onsen Cafe

When we were in Bessho we went to this little kissaten or cafe and it has a lovely view over part of the valley. The lady who runs it is very welcoming and speaks good English, I also tried to practice my limited Japanese with her.

Bessho Onsen

This is beautiful little place that is famed for the quality of its onsen which are natural hot springs usually in mountainous areas. Bessho has a real charm and is worth a visit.

Japanese Roofs in Nagano

Six Pigeons and a Buddha

Could be a good title for a film? Maybe not...


Nagano is smallish but welcoming city in the mountains. Famous for hosting the 1998 Winter Olympics.

All content (c)2005, Zen Monkey, unless otherwise stated. Unauthorized use of images or content without permission will result in me chasing you with a very big stick.