Friday, August 19, 2005

More Zenkoji Temple

In the temple, to the right of the altar, we descended a staircase to a pitch-black tunnel which is supposed to symbolise death and rebirth. While navigating the twisting tunnel we were told to hold out our arm along the right-hand wall trying to feel for something heavy, moveable and metallic... it is said to be the key to salvation! We found it eventually, but only after becoming a little nervous because it was scary trying to find our way in complete darkness. It was a relief to see light again and we all felt suitably reborn!

Zenkoji Temple

Despite the name, this is not a Zen Temple but welcomes many different kinds of Buddhist sects - it is one of the most inclusive temples in Japan. This picture shows a couple of children disturbing the pigeons in front of the temple - in the background is where people leave messages of goodwill and wishes for health, happiness, love etc.

Nagano - Zenkoji Temple

We went to Nagano city last week and visted the Zenkoji Temple.

All content (c)2005, Zen Monkey, unless otherwise stated. Unauthorized use of images or content without permission will result in me chasing you with a very big stick.